About ISPP

ISPP is an interdisciplinary organization representing all fields of inquiry concerned with exploring the relationships between political and psychological processes. Members include psychologists, political scientists, psychiatrists, historians, sociologists, economists, anthropologists, as well as journalists, government officials and others. The Society is also international, with members from all regions of the world: the Americas, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Oceania, and Africa.

Acerca de ISPP

ISPP es una organización interdisciplinaria que representa todos los campos de investigación interesados en explorar las relaciones entre los procesos políticos y psicológicos. Entre nuestros miembros contamos con psicólogos, politólogos, psiquiatras, historiadores, sociólogos, economistas, antropólogos, así como con periodistas y funcionarios públicos, entre otros. La organización es de corte internacional con representantes de todas las regiones del mundo: las Américas, Europa, Asia, Medio Oriente, Oceanía y África.


ISPP er en interdisciplinær organisation, som repræsenterer alle felter, der undersøger forholdet mellem politiske og psykologiske processer. Selskabets medlemmer omfatter psykologer, politologer, psykiatere, historikere, sociologer, økonomer, antropologer samt journalister, myndighedspersoner og andre. Selskabet er internationalt med medlemmer fra alle regioner af verden: Nord- og Sydamerika, Europa, Asien, Mellemøsten, Oceanien og Afrika.

ISPP Hakkında

ISPP, siyasi ve psikolojik süreçler arasındaki ilişkilerin araştırılmasıyla ilgilenen tüm alanları temsil eden disiplinler arası bir kuruluştur. Kurumun üyeleri arasında psikologlar, siyaset bilimciler, psikiyatristler, tarihçiler, sosyologlar, ekonomistler, antropologlar, gazeteciler, hükümet yetkilileri ve diğer alanlardaki uzmanlar bulunmaktadır. Kıta Amerikası, Avrupa, Asya, Orta Doğu, Okyanusya ve Afrika olmak üzere dünyanın tüm bölgelerinden üyeleri ile birlikte uluslararası bir dernektir

Über die ISPP

Die ISPP ist eine interdisziplinäre Fachorganisation. Sie vertritt alle Forschungsperspektiven, die sich mit der Erforschung der Beziehungen zwischen politischen und psychologischen Akteur:innen und Prozessen beschäftigen. Zu den Mitglieder:innen gehören Psycholog:innen, Politikwissenschaftler:innen, Psychiater:innen, Historiker:innen, Soziolog:innen, Ökonom:innen, Anthropolog:innen, aber auch Journalist:innen, Regierungsbeamt:innen und andere. Die Gesellschaft ist international, mit Mitgliedern aus allen Regionen der Welt: Amerika, Europa, Asien, dem Nahen Osten, Ozeanien und Afrika.




ISPP是一個跨學科的學術性組織,它代表所有探索政治和心理過程之間關係的研究領域。學會成員包括心理學家、政治學家、精神病學家、歷史學家、社會學家、經濟學家、人類學家,以及記者、政府官員等。 ISPP也是國際性的,學會成員來自世界各地:美洲、歐洲、亞洲、中東、大洋洲和非洲。


ISPP是一个跨学科的学术性组织,它代表所有探索政治和心理过程之间关系的研究领域。学会成员包括心理学家、政治学家、精神病学家、历史学家、社会学家、经济学家、人类学家,以及记者、政府官员等。ISPP也是国际性的,学会成员来自世界各 地:美洲、欧洲、亚洲、中东、大洋洲和非洲。

ISPP에 대하여

ISPP는 정치적 현상과 심리적 현상 사이의 관계성에 대한 연구에 관심을 갖고 있는 다양한 분야의 학자들 및 관련 분야에서 활동하는 사람들이 상호 교류하는 모임(society)입니다. 심리학자, 정치학자, 정신의학자/의사, 역사학자, 사회학자, 경제학자, 인류학자를 비롯해서 언론인, 정부 관료 및 그외의 여러 관련 분야에 종사하는 분들도 회원으로 활동하고 있습니다. 이 모임은 국제적인 조직으로서 북미, 남미, 유럽, 아시아, 중동, 오세아니아 및 아프리카 등의 전세계 모든 지역에서 참가하는 회원들로 구성되어 있습니다.

Versions of the information above, in a variety of different languages, can be accessed below.

An image of Countries colored in green that have ISPP Members


The Society is a nonprofit scientific, educational, and non-partisan organization with the following purposes:

  1. To establish a community of scholars and concerned individuals in universities, government, the communications media, and elsewhere, who have scientific and practical interests in examining the relationship between political and psychological phenomena;
  2. To facilitate communication of scientific research, theory, and practice across disciplinary, national, and ideological boundaries, both among members of the Society and those outside the Society;
  3. To increase the theoretical and practical significance of political psychology both inside and outside academia.  Practical significance shall be guided by the principles of universal human rights;
  4. To provide mutual support among members of their freedom to generate and disseminate their findings and ideas.
  5. To promote the goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion, both within the Society and its governance and operations, and outside the Society in the world at large.

The International Society of Political Psychology was founded by Jeanne N. Knutson of the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles in 1978. Since that time, the Society has grown to over 800 members who share this area of scholarly interest.

ISPP has established a tradition of scholarly excellence at its annual meetings. Each meeting since the first one in New York City in September of 1978 has brought together hundreds of conferees in a multi-day program of intensive workshops, panel discussions, invited addresses, and special events. Society meetings generally offer over 100 panels, round tables, and workshops, with over 300 presentations. The locations of annual meetings rotate between North America, Europe and other locations around the globe.

The Society is honored by many exceptional scholars and distinguished individuals who are committed members. Throughout its history, the ISPP has offered encouragement to those who actively engaged in a wide spectrum of disciplinary approaches to political psychology. We seek to bring together all who share our interest from all regions of the world, welcoming new members. Members receive reduced registration fees at annual scientific meetings; the Society’s journal, Political Psychology; free online access to both Political Psychology and Advances in Political Psychology, the annual journal supplement; ISPPNews, the Society’s newsletter; and voting privileges for the Society’s elected officers.